On 21 September 2022, the Embassy of Switzerland in the UK hosted a Sustainable Finance Event on the topic of Nature and Biodiversity in the run-up to the Building Bridges conference that took place in Geneva from 3 – 6 October.
Building Bridges is a joint initiative, launched in 2019 by the Swiss public authorities, the finance community, the United Nations and other international partners to accelerate the transition to a global economic model aligned with the SDGs by catalysing further discussions and concrete action around sustainability.
The global economy is strongly reliant on nature and the biosphere’s ability to replenish, recover and maintain balance. The interlinkages between the economic system and the ecosystem require a shift away from viewing the economy as separate from the biosphere.
With our London based event, we wanted to expand the global footprint of Building Bridges and showcase what the platform is all about by enabling a focused discussion on the topic of nature and biodiversity as an example of how the economic and financial community can engage with a broader set of international organisations and diverse stakeholders to work on joint solutions to complex and multidimensional global challenges.
Check out our high-lights video