Tour of the UK - Cambridge: The Future of Neutrality

Tour of the UK - Cambridge: The Future of Neutrality

May 2022

Switzerland imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia in response to its military aggression against Ukraine. This step made international headlines and sparked questions as to whether Switzerland is still a neutral country and how these decisions affect its overall foreign policy. Join us in Cambridge on Monday 6 June for a panel discussion where we will attempt to answer these questions and more.

With other traditionally neutral countries such as Sweden and Finland having now decided to apply for NATO membership, the concept and future of neutrality in Europe has become a live topic with implications for the whole continent.

Our panel discussion to explore this is organised in partnership with the Centre for Geopolitics and the Cambridge University Swiss Society, as part of our #WeAreSwitzerland tour of the UK.

Further information on the event and details of how to register can be found here.